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Chairmen of the Bored

I wonder what Emily's up to. Does she continue to struggle with the spelling of "sticker"? Sometimes those things just stay with you. What's that again? Some things never change, that's right. I had no reason for really choosing this rogue and hairy sticker book as an image, but it did spring board me into some child psychology thinking.

I never took a class on the subject, so maybe someone who did would say that this is "duh"... But is it just reality setting in that makes all of us lose that childhood sense for possibility? Is it seeing all the horrible things in the world and in our lives that brow beat us into ever thinking we're worth something? Even if things are wrong as a child, I think you still operate in fantasy. Possibility is always lurking around the corner you can't see past. That possibility might just be a candy bar, but it was always something.

Maybe it's middle school. Such a harsh time. If Emily paraded her Stiker book, she'd likely have tomatoes all over her face. Kids would be throwing tomatoes--at her. So she brings the Stiker book home and she throws it away. Maybe not at first, maybe she's still clinging to something that she loves deep down about her collection and wants to wait. She has the reputation as the stupid sticker girl now, and she throws it away a week later. It's to blame for everything that has gone wrong.

So she abandons it. She doesn't like stickers anymore, she doesn't really like anything. She's bored and that's okay. Everyone can relate to being sedentary. Damn, she's cool- she doesn't fucking care. I can see her now, waiting for someone to look at her so she can spit on the classroom floor. Hey, I think it's pretty cool too.

But then what? She keeps getting rewarded for being this way, so she keeps up the not caring. Until finally, she actually doesn't care. Her old loves are long gone and she's just going through the motions now. So how do you bounce back from a betrayal of your passions like that? They're so long gone. Probably even by high school age hits. Maybe you've taken up the passion of making out in bathrooms between classes.

And then the world is outside and Emily is standing there, and the world says - "Hey. Time to get things done, make some money, get a place, your mom is sick of you." Emily wigs out. She has no idea.

And this is where I imagine the Chairmen of the Bored. If only they were outside those doors with an informational table- there to offer some sound advice- Have you heard the song? Give Me Just a Little More Time? The singer has this crazy mouth sound drum roll. The song is about love, but I pretend it's this childhood love of something, anything that made your world interesting and worthwhile. Something you did so naturally that it became yours, but it got squashed down so early that you didn't give it time to grow, you let it die in the back yard.

So yeah, here's the Chairmen of the "Bored" belting it out in agony. Begging you to give it a little more time. This shit is on point:

"You're young and you're in a hurry You're eager for love but don't you worry We both want the sweetness in life But these things don't come overnight Don't give up cause love's been slow Boy, we're gonna succeed with another blow"

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